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Visiting Artist of Color Residency at ASLD

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What Makes this event different?

Committed to creating a place for artists to thrive, ASLD’s Residency Programs provide financial support, studio space, and exhibition opportunities for selected artists to immerse themselves in their practice and connect with ASLD’s community. In exchange, ASLD’s constituents across the Denver metro region can engage with and learn from visiting and local artists through an extended engagement. The Visiting Artists of Color (VAC) Residency is for a visiting artist who identifies as (or whose work connects with) Black, Indigenous, and/or person of color (BIPOC) with the goal to increase the visibility and provide resources to support historically marginalized artists.

Art Residency - Call for Entry

The Visiting Artist of Color Residency is for artists who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) (or an artist committed to working with local BIPOC communities) to work at the Art Students League of Denver for the duration of a 7- month residency. During the residency, the resident artist is invited to connect with the ASLD community through open studio hours, lectures, workshops, partnerships with our free community engagement programs throughout the city, and other opportunities of their choosing. Each art residency culminates with a solo exhibition of the artist's work created during the residency.

The residency offers the artist a monthly stipend of $4000; access to a 900 sq ft dedicated studio space at ASLD;  the opportunity to lead workshops, lectures, and community engagement programs.This residency culminates in a solo exhibition at ASLD’s gallery.

Visual artists of all disciplines are invited to apply. Past resident media include ceramics, photography, oil painting, cut paper, and multimedia sculpture.

For more information about this opportunity for artists please visit the Event Website.


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