• Days Remaining 26


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What Makes this event different?

We give photographers worldwide an opportunity to participate in a call for entry with a theme. Each call for entry we offer has a different theme. Each call offers 50 images a win. The prizes total $4000 and have a grand prize 3 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 3 third prizes - 20 juror's selections and 20 honorable mentions. All 50 winners are posted in a gallery on our website and are included in an exhibition gallery. The call is open to any photographers worldwide and of any age, amateurs or professional. We have a professional photographer or gallery owner or photography teacher as a juror

Copyright Policy

All entrants to NYC4PA Open Calls for Entry, by virtue of their submission, are attesting that the images submitted are their own work and there has been no copyright infringement. NYC4PA will not be held liable for any infringement of rights that might surface during the jurying or displaying of any image.

Image Usage Rights

By submitting you grant NYC4PA the right to use your image(s) for promotion and advertisement of NYC4PA as well as inclusion in the NYC4PA catalog and online gallery if the image is prize winning, juror selection or honorable mention. The photographer retains all rights to the image.

Call for Entry for TREES

I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.

Joyce Kilmer wrote those words in 1915. And they hold true today. Trees are all around us in cities, towns and the country. They can be a striking visual, as a standalone in a barren landscape or be part of everyday life in the yard with an old tire swing hanging from a low branch. Trees are much a part of the animal kingdom providing limbs for resting and nesting, as well as wonderful sources of food for so many species.

Forests and jungles create whole environments. Trees standing alone on hillsides create lovely shadows. They can be tall and straight like a winter pine or bend and twist as they grow. The art can be found in the leaves, the branches, single trees or in groups of every size from oases to orchards.

For more information about this call for entry for photographers please visit the Event Website.


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NEW! Submission and Jurying System. Use sister service SubmitArts to receive and judge your entries.