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Copyright Policy

All entrants to NYC4PA Open Calls for Entry, by virtue of their submission, are attesting that the images submitted are their own work and there has been no copyright infringement. NYC4PA will not be held liable for any infringement of rights that might surface during the jurying or displaying of any image.

Image Usage Rights

By submitting you grant NYC4PA the right to use your image(s) for promotion and advertisement of NYC4PA as well as inclusion in the NYC4PA catalog and online gallery if the image is prize winning, juror selection or honorable mention. The photographer retains all rights to the image.

“She Came in Through the Bathroom Window” sang the Beatles

“Lookin’ Out My Backdoor” sang Creedence Clearwater Revival

Windows, doors, arches, frames and tunnels are part of our lives. There are many ways to think about them, because we can look at them or through them.  We can poke our hand out the window to test the weather or see a wonderful scene differently when it is framed by an arch or array of tree limbs in a park.

For this call to photographers your images can focus on the "portal" itself like a closed door or a wonderful windowsill or the view through the portal to the other side. Does it frame the main subject of the photograph or does it add another dimension, such as the distortions of old glass or reflections in windowpanes?

For more information about this call for entries for photographers, please visit the Event Website.



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