Copyright Policy
The winner will retain all rights to the original photo, but the winning photo will be available to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) The winner will be credited as the photographer as feasible, in all uses of the winning photo by Dr. Clifton and/or SeeingHappy.
Image Usage Rights
The winner will retain all rights to the original photo, but the winning photo will be available to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) The winner will be credited as the photographer as feasible, in all uses of the winning photo by Dr. Clifton and/or SeeingHappy.
Based on the work of Jer Clifton at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Clifton has shown that there are 26 Primal World Beliefs (primals for short) which are very basic beliefs about the world, such as the belief that the world is beautiful and safe. Researchers suspect that the Primals you hold may color your outlook and actions, and have extensive consequences for your mental health and resilience.
The goal of this contest is the identify a photo to represent the 'NEEDS ME' primal world belief. The primal world belief 'Needs Me' concerns whether the world needs you, specifically you, for an important task or to play some particular role. Its opposite holds that the world lacks any particular need for you: though the world may still have needs, you are interchangeable.
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