Middleground is a literary and art magazine for mixed-race people and their identities, stories and voices. We are looking for art and writing for our fifth issue, which will be published in the Winter.
Who can submit work?
Middleground focuses on the voices of mixed-race people.
If you identify as such, and have a desire to tell or explore your racial identity and its meanings, ambivalences, and beauty, we'd love to hear from you.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for work that explores what it means to be mixed-race – whether it's through family, language, food, the way you see yourself or society sees you. We want innovative work that will look at mixedness through a new and personal lense, and would love work that moves away from the concept of greyness or not being enough of any of your ethnicities when it comes to being multiracial, and instead closer to how that multiracial identity makes you fully you.
Exploration of one's identity is a diverse and fluid journey, and Middleground wants to honour that. We accept:
- Illustrations
- Photography
- Digital artwork, etc.
Submission guidelines
- The deadline is October 1st. We will not accept any submissions past that date.
- All contributors will be paid a small, symbolic fee.
- Send your submission to submissions.middleground@gmail.com as a word document (.doc or .docx), along with a short bio. Please ensure you include a JPEG or PNG version of your work as well.
- We only accept work by mixed-race individuals. If you would like to include a note on your ethnic background, you are welcome to do so, though this isn't a requirement.
- Please send your submission with a subject as follows: ART - YOUR NAME - Title of your piece
- We accept up to 4 pieces for artists.
- Please send us only finished pieces.
- While we accept simultaneous submissions, we ask that you inform us immediately if your piece has been accepted elsewhere.
Successful writers and artists retain the rights to their work.