Art Competition for Life, Death, Love
Art Collide is introducing the 2024 "Life, Death, Love”, international art competition and online exhibition. This art competition is open to artists of all ages with no restrictions on place of residence, media or style. Artwork must pertain to the theme of “Life, Death, Love”. Entry is free. Only artists whose work is selected as finalists will need to pay the $35 participation fee. Finalists will have their work exhibited online and move on to the final round of Jurying in consideration for cash prizes including the grand prize of $1,000.
The theme of "Life, Death, Love" in this art contest calls upon artists to contemplate the intricate tapestry of human existence. It encourages them to explore the vitality and challenges of life, the profound and mysterious concept of death, and the transformative power of love, each through their own artistic lens. Artists are invited to express their unique perspectives on these universal themes, fostering a rich diversity of interpretations and artistic styles that resonate with the depths of human experience.
For more information about this art competition for artists and photographers, please visit the Event Website.