Event History
New Photography Gallery based in Scotland is doing an open call for all international landscape photographers
What Makes this event different?
Submission to this call for entry is FREE. Only Photographers whose work is selected for exhibition will pay an exhibition fee of £30. The fee will help the gallery cover the cost of printing and framing the images for the two-week exhibition. We accept 10 images free of charge.
Copyright Policy
Terms and Conditions You are the only copyright owner and creator of the photographs. The photographs do not infringe upon the copyrights or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person’s rights of privacy, does not include trademarks owned by third parties or violate any other law. All entrants agree to fully indemnify Glasgow gallery of photography in respect of all royalties, fees and any other financial debt to any person by reason of your breaching any of the foregoing. The royalties of the Works are not bestowed to The GGOP at any time. The copyright of the Works remains in the creators and in them alone.
Image Usage Rights
The copyright of the Works during and after the exhibition remains with the Artist. GGOP does not have the right to make use of or bestow the high definition files or the prints of the Works that will be used for the realization of the exhibition. GGOP will not have any commercial profit from the Works that will be exhibited and it cannot exploit them at any time. GGOP assume no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information that has been uploaded in no event will GGOP be responsible or liable for any technical or colour representation of the photos. All photographs used by GGOP will clearly have the photographer’s credit. In case this has been overseen, there will be immediate corrections when mentioned. All entrants agree that all photographs submitted may be used to promote and advertise GGOP. Artists grant GGOP the right to use their images to promote the exhibition, for display GGOP webpage and for inclusion On Instagram, twitter and facebook. Ne
Call for Entries for Landscape Photographers
Landscape photography is an inspiring and appreciated photography practice. Landscape photography can take the viewer around the world to both the known and the unknown.
After hours spent climbing vast mountains or crossing deserts in an effort to capture the perfect moment, the Photographer presents us with the results of their endeavours. The viewers admire this final result often totally unaware of narration behind the image, and the struggles to get the perfect shot. This exhibition will give photographers the opportunity to show their work to a whole new audience in Scotland's newest gallery dedicated to international photography.
For more information please visit the Event Website.