Event History
This facility is owned by the University of Lethbridge, and is managed by the Gushul Residency Program Committe. Over 200 artists, scholars and other professionals have been hosted. The location offers inspiration and sanctuary for the production of creative work. A prolific and pioneering Canadian photographer,Thomas Gushul (1891-1962), founded the studio in Blairmore where he worked and lived with his wife Lena. The stuidio was restored in the early 1980s and was registered as a historic resource by the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation. It remains an important cultural resource today for the Crowsnest Pass community. The facility over the years has undergone major upgrades to its residency programs and infrastructure. The selection process for artist and writer residencies is competitive. Applications are peer-reviewed on a basis of the the quality of past work, professional experience of the applicant, and the applicant’s potential to have a productive residency at the Gushul.
What Makes this event different?
The University of Lethbridge, through the Gushul Residency Program, supports the pursuit of creative production by offering private studio and living space for working artists and writers. Residents are nestled in buildings in the awe-inspiring mountainous landscape of the Crowsnest Pass. "A most positive and productive period of art making! The natural light is unbelievable." "Incredible experience for my art and spirit! I will remember this place for years to come." "What a tremendous opportunity for growth and reflection."
The Gushul Studio and Writer's Cottage in Alberta, welcomes applications for one to four month long residencies at the foot of Canada's picturesque Rocky Mountains (shorter residencies may be considered if available). The Studio accommodates two working artists with room for two more non-working occupants if required. Priority for the studio is given to visual and media artists; the stuidio provides an abundance of north light and the larger workspace necessary to produce large two-dimensional works.
Since 1988, The Gushul has hosted both local and international artists as well as painters, sculptors, media artists, and playwrights who all takine advantage of the secluded retreat, surrounded by historic landmarks from Alberta's past.
Residents are responsible for all expenses related to the cost of the residency, including rental fees, travel costs, insurance, and food for the duration of their stay. A current calendar of rental fees and availability for both properties is available through our website.
Please see the Application URL for application package requirements and contact information.