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Call to Artists for Children's Garden Sculpture, City of Flagstaff. Arizona

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Call To Sculptors

The City of Flagstaff, along with JLB Project, Inc., seek a sculptor to create a memorable and enduring artwork that recognizes and celebrates all babies and children who have passed on before us, regardless of age or circumstance. The Sculpture is to be the conceptual and physical heart of the Children’s Garden located in Foxglenn Park in Flagstaff, Arizona.

The City of Flagstaff, through its Beautification and Public Art Commission (“BPAC”), will select a sculptor in accordance with the following Request for Proposal (“RFP”).

Important Notes:

BACKGROUND: This call to artists is limited to the Sculpture component of the Children’s Garden. Installation of the Sculpture is slated for fall/winter 2017.

THEME AND FORM: The Sculpture will be the focal point of the Garden’s gathering space, a source of contemplation, and an inspiration for play. The Garden will be an uplifting setting where family, friends, teachers, and all community members feel welcome to remember and celebrate their loved ones’ lives. Because the loss of a child is often a silent and hidden grief, the Garden will also be a supportive place of emotional healing and will offer a public remembrance of babies and children lost in tragic events. The Children’s Garden includes an entrance archway, winding pathways, a memorial, seating area with plants, and panoramic views of the San Francisco Peaks and Mt. Elden. The Sculpture ideally shall evoke a sense of playfulness, whimsy, inspiration, and hope while possessing visual gravitas that can be seen from various vantage points throughout Foxglenn Park. The Sculpture shall be approximately 15 feet tall, integrate color, and should call to mind stars and constellations—a common theme featured throughout the Garden. Moving or spinning elements are also encouraged. Artists shall note that one of the Garden’s primary purposes is to be a setting where children can use imagination and unstructured play as a means to remember their lost siblings and companion(s) and celebrate their shared time together. The Sculpture shall reinforce this purpose.

1. The Sculpture:
a. Is envisioned to conceptualize a spiritual release.
b. Shall promote childlike wonder and playfulness.
c. Shall emphasize spontaneous play instead of programmed behavior.
d. Shall not be overly refined, monumental, or heavy.
e. Shall not incorporate religious iconography.
f. Shall stand the test of time and age gracefully.
g. Ideally should demonstrate either in form and/or material, a relationship with the Garden’s features, especially the memorial wall.
h. Will be vandal resistant and withstand extreme environmental conditions (freezing, extreme temperature fluctuations, high winds, etc.).
i. Will be accessible for maintenance and upkeep.
j. Will not pose a risk of injury to the public (sharp points, slip hazards, etc.).
k. Will incorporate materials, fabrication techniques, finishes and coatings consistent with industry standards that result in an easily maintainable work of art.

2. Reference Images & Resources
a. For conceptual drawings and more information about the Children’s Garden visit
b. The City highly recommends that Artists visit the Sculpture site to understand context.

The total cost of the Sculpture will not exceed $57,000. No additional funds are available. The $57,000 will include all costs and expenses of materials, labor wages, fabrication, packing, shipping, delivering, crane rental, scaffolding, installation, lodging, and travel. The Artist will have no responsibility for fabrication and installation costs of foundations/footings and landscape/hardscape improvements; except footing design, structural analysis, geo-tech, materials testing, and soils analysis for the Sculpture shall be paid for by the Artist. Once chosen by the BPAC as a Finalist, the Artist will include any anticipated costs for these analyses in their maquette submittal. Determination of engineering analyses that may be required shall be the purview of City staff.

The BPAC will award the Contract to a responsible and responsive Artist whose Offer is the most satisfactory and advantageous to the City based on the evaluation criteria set forth in this Solicitation.
The BPAC will evaluate Offers submitted in the format required and will score each Offer based on the “Evaluation Criteria” described below. During the initial evaluation process, the BPAC will choose the three (3) highest scoring submittals as Finalists. MINIMUM AVERAGE SCORE REQUIRED TO BE SELECTED AS A FINALIST SHALL BE 50 OUT OF 100 POSSIBLE POINTS AVAILABLE FROM THE EVALUATION CRITERIA.

1. Originality and artistic merit of the Sculpture including visual/aesthetic enjoyment, design quality, and innovation = 30
2. How well the Sculpture complements the Children’s Garden and the site’s natural and cultural surroundings = 50
3. Proven experience working and successfully executing the installation of public art = 20

NOTIFICATION OF FINALISTS: By Tuesday April 11, 2017, the BPAC will notify the Finalists and request that they submit the information identified in the “Finalist Offer Format.”
STIPEND FOR FINALISTS: If an Artist is selected as a Finalist, BPAC will provide a $1,000 Stipend to assist the Artist with the fabrication (etc.) of a maquette pursuant to Exhibit “C” Proposed Form of Contract (Stipend).

PRE-MAQUETTE MEETING: Artists who are chosen as Finalists will attend a pre-maquette meeting preferably in person, but telephonically if necessary.

1. How well the Sculpture imparts a sense of contemplation, playfulness, and its ability to engender a spiritual release = 60.
2. Use of durable materials and fabrication techniques that will stand the test of time and age gracefully = 40
NOTIFICATION OF AWARDEE: By Tuesday June 12, 2017, the BPAC will notify the Awardee.

The City reserves the right to alter these dates as necessary. Where non-performance is caused by usual and natural consequences of external forces such as snow/ice/rain or other force majeure, installation schedule will be adjusted accordingly.
1. Call to Sculptors announced – 2/15/2017.
2. Unguided site inspection at artists’ schedule.
3. Initial Offers due – 3:00 p.m. Arizona Time - 4/6/2017.
4. Initial Offers evaluated - 4/10/2017
5. Finalists notified – 4/11/ 2017.
6. Finalists Offer due – 3:00 p.m. MST – 6/5/2017.
7. Finalists Offers evaluated & Artist Selected – 6/12/2017.
8. City Council review/approval Contract – To be determined summer of 2017.
9. Notice to proceed issued – To be determined summer of 2017.


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