Event History
For more information about the project, please visit www.olatheks.org/PublicArt "Lake Olathe One Percent for Art Project"
The City of Olathe, KS is seeks artists or artist teams to collaborate with project designers and contractors to develop innovative, original art for the renovation of Lake Olathe, a 258-acre park. Public Art Budget- $150,000.
Artists should submit the following by 5:00 pm, November 27, 2017.
Materials should be sent/delivered or emailed via a download link. City email size limits are very restrictive and large image files will likely not be received.
Please submit packet in the order listed below:
1. A professional resume/CV (limit 3 pages). Artists working collaboratively must submit a resume/CV for each collaboration member
2. A letter of interest outlining your approach to developing public art as well as providing the selection panel with insights regarding your interest in making art for this project and the public role if any; what you bring to this type of project as an artist; challenges and/or sources of inspiration presented by the project and site; what the public would gain from this experience; and any other comments that might help to differentiate you as a candidate for this project.
3. An annotated image list of past works that clearly indicate the title, dimensions, materials, date of work, and location, as well as project budget and commissioning entity, if applicable. Image names must match image names on the CD/USB and be in the exact same order. If possible, please include thumbnail pictures next to each artwork listed.
4. One CD-ROM (or USB drive or download link) with up to 12 clearly labeled images or videos or combination of still images and videos of related past work:
• Image resolution – JPEG format up to 200 pixels per inch (ppi)
• Maximum file size per image 800 KB
• Video files must be in a format that can be played with default Apple and Windows video players.
• Video clips must be cued and no more than three minutes maximum length.
• Name each image with the following format in the order you want them to appear: lastnamefirstnameimagenumber.jpg. For example, filenames for artist Pablo Picasso would be picassopablo01.jpg, picassopablo02.jpg, picassopablo03.jpg, and so on. Label the CD/USB with the artist’s name.
The Olathe Parks & Recreation Department is not responsible for distortion or alteration of images as they appear on monitors as projected.
5. Up to three individual pieces, total, of selected printed materials such as articles, catalogues, etc. (.pdf file preferred)
6. Three references of similar “commissioned work” with current contact information.
Selection Process Per the process outlined in the Olathe Public Art Master Plan:
1. A diverse Artist Selection Panel (ASP) will be convened for the project. Based on qualifications and artist statements, the panel will shortlist artists to be interviewed in the 1st Quarter of 2018.
2. Shortlisted artists will be provided additional project information, as available, and will be required to present, in person, one or more proposed concepts. Stipends will be paid for the development of proposals/finalist interviews. Site visits and interface opportunities with the design/construction teams will be available.
3. Following the interviews, the ASP will recommend one or more concepts (from one or more artists) to the Public Art Committee.
Concept Development & Implementation Each ASP-recommended artist will be contracted through the City to further develop and finalize their proposed concept(s) in close collaboration with City staff and the Lake Olathe Design Team. A highly-integrated “Place making” final concept is the desired outcome.
Submission Instructions
Submit all materials, either electronically or by mail/delivery to the contact listed below by 5:00 pm, Monday, November 27, 2017.
Use the same contact for any questions. For emailed submissions, please title the subject of the email “Lake Olathe Art.”
Renee Rush
RLRush@olatheks.org 913-971-8658
For mailed submissions:
City of Olathe, KS Parks & Recreation Department
C/O Renee Rush
PO Box 768
Olathe, KS 66051